The regional competitions are organized in Helsinki, Oulu and Turku. The competition is not not in Satakunta in 2025. The competitions are separate from each other and in different regions they have different problems. This means that the results of different regions are not comparable.
The first round of the competition is held in schools and a final round in the university or in schools. In each city, the best twenty contestants or so are invited to the final round. Furthermore, the top contestants are invited to participate in mathematics training.
N.B. Please note the GDPR related changes in the following.
Information for Teachers
Before the competition
- Please make sure that the parents of the contestants have read the privacy policy and permit us to handle the contestants’ personal information. This year we are piloting in Helsinki and Oulu the option that the students who are at least 13 years old give the permission themselves.
- Photocopying of the problem and answer sheets: Since we do not know how many participants there will be from each school, or which languages they prefer to use, we will mail only one copy of each translation of the problem sheet, and one copy of the answer sheet.
- The schools are allowed to translate the first round problems to other languages, if necessary.
- This year we are running the competition in some cities electronically and in some cities on pencil and paper. Below you can find instructions for both options.
At the beginning and during the competition: general instructions
- The problems of the first round are in multiple choice format. Each problem is worth one point. Wrong answers are not punished. The problems are not ordered in increasing difficulty, but the first problems are likely to be easier than the last ones.
- The time allotted is 50 minutes. It is preferable to have a visible clock in the contest hall, or to warn the contestants when the competition is about to end.
- It is very important that the contestants are provided with enough scrap paper.
- It is advisable to stress to the contestants that the problems are meant to be difficult and therefore they shouldn’t be worried if they can not solve most of them.
Pencil and paper
- The problems and answer sheets will be mailed to the schools in Finnish, Swedish and English before the competition.
- Because it is very important that each answer sheet has the name, address and school of the contestant written legibly on it, it is prudent to reserve around five minutes for filling in these details before the competition.
- The contestants only need writing and drawing instruments, i.e. pencils, an eraser, a ruler and a compass. In particular, calculators and mathematical tables are not allowed.
After the first round, it is only necessary to collect the answer
sheets and mail them and a filled privacy policy form to the asked address.
Electronic competition
- The problems are given and answeres submitted electronically. The teacher gets a link to problems in the Viope system using school's account.
- The name of the pupil, email address and school's name are given on an electronic form. In Helsinki and Oulu those pupils who are at least 13 years old, can give the permission for us to handle their data.
- The contestants only need writing and drawing instruments, i.e. pencils, an eraser, a ruler and a compass. Exceptionally, in Helsinki, also calculators and mathematical tables are allowed.